Monday, December 11, 2006

Misty the Red-Nosed Weimaraner

My poor reindog!

Wanna-be Wegman

Hadden & Xander

Fireman Hadden

The other day while Liam was at school, Xander and Hadden had fun playing together. Hadden was playing in his exersaucer and Xander was making him laugh.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sleepy Hadden & Liam's Glasses

Liam got glasses yesterday and so far so good. They are pretty powerful so he only is wearing them a little while at a time. He picked them out...Power Ranger glasses- the frame is blue. Anyway, he is excited...hope that lasts!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Trick Or Treat

Diego, Pirate, & Red Power Ranger

We went Trick or Treating with friends in Tallahassee. The Robertson's had a get together at their home. It was said that Halloween is the Mardi Gras of Beard Street. The street was packed and there was even a girl riding a horse, dressed as Pocahontas! Liam & Xander ate so much candy! Xander woke up in the middle of the night with a tummy ache. Liam & Xander both had candy for breakfast and by then the candy was gone. :) Thankfully.

Hadden's 1st Halloween

We took the kids to have their pictures taken at the pumpkin patch- however there were no pumpkins left! Hadden loved the hay!
Xander was so tired he didn't make it home!

Trip to Tallahassee

We took a trip to Tallahassee this past weekend. This was our first trip since Hadden was born. We had a great time visiting friends and family. Liam FINALLY got a Chuckie Cheese fix- we don't have one in Melbourne- I'm not complaining!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

KSC & Stuff

Not quite sure what Liam was doing here but he insisted I take his picture doing this "trick".

We took a trip to the Kennedy Space Center and this is the only picture that was taken: Jim & Hadden "on the moon"!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hadden is 3 Months Old!!!

Hadden has started drooling and is acting like he is I have tried to explain to him that he doesn't need teeth yet.

I weighed him today and he is 16.5 lbs!!!!

They are so cute when they sleep!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

When You Give A Mouse A Cookie

Liam went on a field trip Tuesday to the King Center to see "When You Give A Mouse A Cookie". These were taken right before he left for school. He got to get dressed up and wear a shirt and a belt like Daddy. He was very excited to ride the the bus as well. When I picked him up, his comments about the trip were..."He rode the bus 2 times!", "The mouse was silly & wore a backback". Also, Liam was sure that he was going to get a cookie too! However, no cookie.

Happy & Apple

Who needs toys when you have a box????
Grammy brought back hermit crabs from the Keys. Liam named his "Apple" and Xander named his "Happy". They currently eat at the dinner table with us!

Grammy also brought back new goggles- Aren't they cute? Liam's have sharks on them and Xander's have octopuses. Xander was too busy for a picture!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

More pictures!

Hadden was sunbathing this week.

Xander got ahold of the camera and took some
great close-ups of himself!
Liam got a racecar driver dress-up outfit and I have practically had to tear it off of him. He slept in it one night and then wanted to wear it to school the next day- he didn't but it was close!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Palm Bay Aquatic Center

Today we went to the PB Aquatic Center and the boys played but only Liam went off the diving board for some reason Xander chickened out. He usually jumps off the diving board and all the lifeguards freak out and ask if I am sure that he can swim!