Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sleepy Hadden & Liam's Glasses

Liam got glasses yesterday and so far so good. They are pretty powerful so he only is wearing them a little while at a time. He picked them out...Power Ranger glasses- the frame is blue. Anyway, he is excited...hope that lasts!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Trick Or Treat

Diego, Pirate, & Red Power Ranger

We went Trick or Treating with friends in Tallahassee. The Robertson's had a get together at their home. It was said that Halloween is the Mardi Gras of Beard Street. The street was packed and there was even a girl riding a horse, dressed as Pocahontas! Liam & Xander ate so much candy! Xander woke up in the middle of the night with a tummy ache. Liam & Xander both had candy for breakfast and by then the candy was gone. :) Thankfully.

Hadden's 1st Halloween

We took the kids to have their pictures taken at the pumpkin patch- however there were no pumpkins left! Hadden loved the hay!
Xander was so tired he didn't make it home!

Trip to Tallahassee

We took a trip to Tallahassee this past weekend. This was our first trip since Hadden was born. We had a great time visiting friends and family. Liam FINALLY got a Chuckie Cheese fix- we don't have one in Melbourne- I'm not complaining!