Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stitches for Liam

Liam was playing ball at a friend's house and they both went for the ball. This is the result. His teeth went into his mouth/lip. He got 2 stitches. It really looks alot worse than it is. He was super freaked out when it happened from all the blood but he was a real trooper when it came time for the Dr. to do the stitches. He laid perfectly still and didn't even cry. We were all amazed. He has to take antibiotics just in case. Glimpse into a day at our house. :)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Liam's Remote Control Car

Liam got a Remote Control Car from Vinh when we were up to visit this past week. Liam loves it! He had me out with him in 40 degree weather plus windchill of about 10 degrees. Super cold for S. FL!!!! He has already asked about 10 times when he can go drive it today... it is 10 am and about 30 degrees today! I can't wait!