Monday, May 19, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

The kids got me a raft for the pool for Mother's Day. They enjoyed pushing me around the pool. As I suspected, I was kicked out of the raft for them to use it as a boat. We had a great day. I had breakfast at Pirates Loft with my mom, both grandmothers, & my aunt. We had a nice time. I then went with my parents to my granparent's house to collect some plants and cleanup some things. We spent the rest of the day in the pool with the boys and enjoying some family time. Thank you Jim for giving me a special day!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sandhill Cranes

These guys visit our yard & neighbors on a regular basis.

May 2008

Liam was in a variety show at school. The Kindergarten class sang Surfin USA. Liam actually sang and did all the motions. He usually gets scared and doesn't participate but he did great! In the pic he is holding a killer whale that he made and used as a prop in the performance.

Hadden is 22 months old- pic taken at Liam's school.

We were cleaning the garage and turned around to find Liam in the front yard in this chair. He looked hilarious.

Liam received some birhtday money and has waited until now to spend it. He bought Spiderman skates. He is not the most coordinated but is getting the hang of it. He still spends most of his time "skating" on the ground!