Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

There are pics taken on the sled in Downtown Jensen. Some of the others are taken at Grammy & Poppy's on Xmas Eve, some from Xmas morning at home, some at cousin's house on Xmas night, and some at the park w/Daddy on the day after Xmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Picture Tag

Well I've been tagged (kind of) by Barbi.
The object of the picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
And here was mine.....
Not exciting, I know. Also, depressing. This pic was taken at my uncle's memorial service last year. My uncle worked on this dredge boat (hence the dredge in the pic) and this boat brought his ashes out to the Atlantic Ocean. Some of my family is on the boat. Interesting note: Women are not allowed on dredge boats- old wives tale that it is bad luck. My mom, aunt, and grandma are on this boat- they made an exception this time! Ok, so I probably should have cheated and posted a different pic but I am not a good liar. Sorry, for the depressing post.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa Pic

We went to see Santa at the mall. We waited in line for almost 2 hours! Well, Jim walked around the mall with the boys and rode every escalator and elevator several times while I waited in line. Fun times! At least we all look happy! Mom & Dad were happy it was over and kids happy to see Santa, finally!

Christmas Parade

Friday, December 12, 2008

Turkey Day Cookies

Now those are some scary lookin Turkeys!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Turkey Day Program

Liam had a Thanksgiving performance & feast at school on Thursday. Jim, Hadden, & I went. It was cute. EXCEPT somebody thought that candy corn would make a nice table decoration....I think Liam and his friend ate all of it. Glad I didn't have to reap the benefits of that sugar high!

Beautification of Stuart

A friend, Michelle, and did mosaics at home and then transferred them into the sidewalk (tricky process) on Friday. She did the dragonfly and I did the heart. We put them in an area that already had indentations in the sidewalks for this purpose. Ours are the nicest on the block for sure! We have permanently left our marks in Stuart!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Flag Football & Naps

Liam's(#51) last flag football game was Saturday. Hadden has been going through some terrible 2's issues and after having a breakdown, he finally conched out in my arms. Thank goodness. Liam did not like flag football until the last 2 games. Liam got to be quarterback a few times in the last 2 games so I think that is why he liked it. As you can see, the 6 yr old version of football is being played for sure. It is just too funny to watch. In the picture just above left, Liam was bustin a dance move in the middle of the field just before the ball was hiked. This is some sort of natural instinct for our kids- Xander did the same thing last week! I am glad the season is over! We have over a month of Saturdays to ourselves- Yahoo!!

Last Soccer Game for Xander

Saturday was Xander's last soccer game until season starts back up in January. He had a hat trick in this game and trophies were handed out at the end of the game. He loves playing and does pretty well too-even with bad hair.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When Jim is in Charge...

So, I have a meeting last night and Jim is home with the boys. Jim calls me as I am getting in the car to come home to tell me that Xander has cut his hair. Apparently, Xander wanted his hair shorter in the front. Jim was busy on the computer so Xander did the best he could. nice. Perfect for upcoming family photos.