Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby Quade

ok. Long time, no update. I will have to back blog when I have time...Ha!

Baby Quade was born on Thursday, 9-24-09 at 9:24AM at home. My water broke at 8:15 AM after I dropped kids at school. I was getting back in the car after running in Publix to getting apples for Johnny Appleseed day in Liam's class. So, I didn't make it to the event in Liam's class. I rushed home while calling Jim and the midwife. I got home and labor got more intense and quickly after the midwife and JIM (yes, he did make it this time!) got there. Quade was born after about 20 minutes of hard labor. He was born at 37 weeks and 2 days. He has a bruised face from the quick delivery. He also has very slight jaundice. Liam, Xander, & Hadden are really excited to have a new baby brother. I have no problems keeping hands washed around here! They all rush home after school to hold Quade. We are all enjoying having a new baby and adjusting to the new normal. Enjoy the pics!