Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Liam's Tooth Accident

Liam got hit in the tooth and his tooth cracked in 3 pieces on Saturday. Monday- Dentist. Dentist extracted the tooth and Liam had laughing gas. It didn't hurt too much and he seemed fine except having to eat carefully. No school and the Tooth Fairy came that night and brought him a bat and wiffle balls and a dollar! 3 pieces of tooth = 3 gifts. New rules I never heard of. Tooth Fairy is getting to be alot like Santa.

Friday, September 12, 2008

At the Playground

I know I haven't posted in awhile. Sorry! I have been doing 40 things at one time, which is normal but for some reason- it was harder to keep up with the last few weeks. We took the boys to the playground that is at the causeway in Jensen a few weekends ago. They had fun of course and got really sandy. Especially Hadden.